Christ Government Ministries
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The Man. The Message. The Mandate


Pastor Festus Oregbe: The Man, the Message & the Mandate

Pastor Festus Oregbe was born and raised in Edo State, Nigeria. He came to Canada in 2000 in what he thought was going to be a short family visit, little did he know that the reason for his existence was about to be revealed with encounters too great to ignore. Shortly, he began to encounter the Samuel experience (1 Samuel 3:3-7): at night, he was hearing supernatural voices calling his full name aloud, saying “Festus Oregbe, you are called!”. When he hears the voice, he would wake up and go to his mother to ask if she was calling him of which she would respond “no”. This experience and many more continued for a while, mostly at night.


The Call. . .

One day in the year 2004, he was coming from work on a public bus, a young Caucasian man walked up to him and began to give him prophetic words: first, he said “where is your sword?” Immediately, he knew the young man was talking about the bible, so he brought out his bible from his back pocket and showed it to him. Then the young man looked at him and said, “You have been called!” at this point, he still was unsure of what was happening to him.

The following Sunday at church, the Pastor was moving in the prophetic and suddenly pulled out threw his coat around his shoulders (like Elijah threw his mantle on Elisha in 1 King 19:19). Again, the Pastor began to prophecy his calling and praying for him at the same time. After the service, the Pastor called him to explain to him what had happened and what he has been experiencing. This was how his journey began in the ministry! He finally and truly gave his life to the Lord Jesus Christ and answered the Call of Christ upon his life. Since that time, he has been serving in the ministry and doing the work of God.

He met his lovely wife Juliet in 2008 and God has blessed them with two wonderful children. They are both graduate of the Advance Pastoral and Leadership Program at Christ For the Nations Institute in Dallas Texas. In 2014, God called him out of the ministry he served for close to twelve years and asked him: “build Me an army”. This call gave birth to Christ Government Ministries in June of 2015.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Ontario, Canada
(10am - 05 pm)

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From Pastor Festus Oregbe`s Desk
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