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ON L3Y 2M9 Upper Level. Canada
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Ministries & Kingdom Service Units

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At CGM Canada, there is a place for everyone; and diverse opportunities for every person to minister and in turn, be ministered to. Take the time to explore the different ministry opportunities below and get involved if you are not currently serving in any unit. 

“You shall serve the Lord your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee”- (Exo. 23:25-26).


Music & Worship

  • (2Chro. 5:13-14)
This unit is made up of God fearing men and women, who use the instrumentality of music to usher the entire congregation into the awesome presence of God. As the Choir lead the congregation into high praises of God and ultimately his presence. God Himself comes down with his blessings. (Psalm 22:3)

Kiddies Church

  • (Deut.6:6-7/Pro.22:6)
The children’s department is not just a service group but a ministry of its own. It a colorful, energetic, entertaining and dynamic ministry focused on teaching the word of faith to children from age 3 years to 11 years. From a year young age, this ministry help our children from age to understand the word of faith.

Youth Ministry

  • (Timothy 4:12)
The principle function of the Youth Ministry of CGM Canada is to nurture and offer care to the youth in a manner that will help each youth member grow spiritually and become independent in the faith with Jesus Christ. This ministry creates a plan that will help young people to grow spiritually, socially, & emotionally.

Decoration Team

  • (Exodus 31:2-9)
Members of this unit are responsible for all interior and exterior decorations of the church premises. This unit is a synergy of a creative team with individual specialized skills that they bring on board to beatify Gods House. Membership into this unit is by application. Experienced interior decorators are highly welcome.

Sanctuary Keepers

  • (Exo.19:10-11, Gen.2:15 )
Have you ever wondered why the church is usually so Pristine and Clean? It is so because we have committed men and women, devoted to making sure that the house of God is clean and tidy to ensure His welcoming presence in our services You can become part of this team by filling the online form.

Ushering Team

  • (Psalms 84:10)
Members of the Ushering Unit serve within the Church to coordinate church related activities . Ushers create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere in the church services, show kindness and care to those in need of physical support, receive worshippers and usher them to their seats,

Media and Publicity

Membership into the Media strictly unit is by application. Members are responsible for recording milestone activities of the Church such as Messages, Testimonies, Thanksgiving and Dedication including Church anniversary events. Serving and non- serving Media and ICT practitioners, Graphic designers, Linguists, Multimedia operators, people with flair for writing and other interested members are welcome.

Evangelism Unit

  • (Matthew 28:19)
The Evangelism Unit is as old as the Church with the mandate of soul winning. Its activities include: * Personal Evangelism * Outreaches: Hospital/Prison Ministration, * Crusade/Rural Evangelism * Orphanage visitation and more. Their other responsibilities include: Follow-up of soul won through phone calls and visits and organized visit to the Prisons, Hospitals, rural outreaches, orphanages

Medical Team

  • (Luke 10:33-34)
The Medical team exists to provide initial care in an unlikely case of an injury, to prevent a condition from worsening or danger of further injury. The Team is managed by well trained and certified medical professionals familiar with the AED and rescue protocol, and are ready to respond to medical emergencies. They make a difference by providing access to compassionate care,

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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